Well, I'm off Monday morning for 5+ weeks out in the Wild Wild East(Asia-Pac). This trip I'll be spending most of my time in the Western world - HK & Taiwan, with some jumps into Shenzhen and other areas of southern China.
All I asked for this holiday season were items I could use while traveling, so I'm happy that I got what I need/wanted. Also bought a present for myself - I needed to research first hand - a new camera. I got a Sony Cybershot DSC-H3. I love my Pentax Optio S5i, but the shutter lag getting painful to deal with, I prefer candid/life shots rather then staged. I did a fair amount of research, I wanted small easy to travel with a quick shutter. Everyone was recommending the Canon SD750,SD850,SD870 but I found it too slow. Plus now I have 10x Zeiss zoom rather then 3-4x with the smaller point & shoot models. The camera is a little bigger the my old 35mm P&S models, but I get 8MP for a decent price, $249 @ best buy. So I plan to be taking lots of photos over the next month or so.
Also got lots of CDs that I wanted, just need to pickup 1 more - the Guillemots. I buy CDs because I want to use the music in different formats, ipod, SD card, HD, etc. And with all the DRM crap that's going on, I won't download if I can't use it in different formats.
So Today, I'm just cleaning my desk/paperwork, double checking I have all the stuff I may want/need for the next few weeks. Then it's home to pack - going light again, this time packing for 10days, just do lots of laundry. Much easier then over packing.
I never get any sleep the day before I leave, especially since all the flights are at 7/8am, and having to be there 2hours in advance, plus travel time - has me leaving @ 4am. But the good news is I upgraded, and have upper/first class all the way over. I didn't expect many people to be on the flight, the first flight is rather empty, but the 2nd is full - which is odd, since it is new years after all.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Emotional Movie...
I know I'm late to watching it, but 'Flags of our Fathers' is the most emotional film I've seen in a long while. I teared up at the end. Not so much on the story line, but on the emotions of the characters/veterans.
I think this film, helped me to understand my father. He spoke little of his time in Vietnam, but when he did it was disturbing. I can understand why veterans don't speak of their past, and why they do not organize reunions - as no one who's been in wartime environment wants to remember their past. Oddly my father did start to talk with other veterans later in life, not so much on the deeds, but on the bureaucracy and culture they were forced to live in. As well as B.S. about how pilots(him) were a tougher job then helicopter pilots, more a banter then anything.
One of the great references at the end, was to what they were/are fighting for. Not for the the USA, anti-communism, or what not; they were/are fighting for the person to their left/right. Which is a fact, that I don't think the mindset in Washington get understand - at least none of the current leadership.
I think this film, helped me to understand my father. He spoke little of his time in Vietnam, but when he did it was disturbing. I can understand why veterans don't speak of their past, and why they do not organize reunions - as no one who's been in wartime environment wants to remember their past. Oddly my father did start to talk with other veterans later in life, not so much on the deeds, but on the bureaucracy and culture they were forced to live in. As well as B.S. about how pilots(him) were a tougher job then helicopter pilots, more a banter then anything.
One of the great references at the end, was to what they were/are fighting for. Not for the the USA, anti-communism, or what not; they were/are fighting for the person to their left/right. Which is a fact, that I don't think the mindset in Washington get understand - at least none of the current leadership.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
A Belgian Weekend in NYC
Was in NYC this past weekend for a brief interlude from my working life; work comes first right now.
Went up stayed with friends, I've not seen a while, went for a walk and such in the part of the city I enjoy - anything south of 14th street. Went for my preferred Saturday luncheon, more similar to continental European lunch - dinner, drinks, more drinks and talk(est. 2-4 hours). Went to what's becoming one of my regular places, Spotted Pig in the West Village; hope some day to be invited to the 3rd floor. It's got a great spicy Bloody Mary, rather good bitter(properly served with a hand pump), and great pomme frites.
After several hours there, we headed off to a new speakeasy which I had learned about '124 Old Rabbit Club,' which is in rather dank part of NYC; but the place was exactly what I wanted - mellow, good beer, and quiet enough that conversations could intermix with the eclectic background music. There's an old root or coal cellar next door, which should be opened up if possible for storage or some such. Be sure to bring cash, as they've not yet gotten a card machine.
Then after 2+ hours there, we were off uptown again(where most people I know seem to live); dinner at B Belgian Cafe on 75th between 2nd & 3rd. Had some moules another beer, light one hoeegarden, and was ready for bed - mind you it was only midnight; but we had been drinking heavily since 15.30.
Went up stayed with friends, I've not seen a while, went for a walk and such in the part of the city I enjoy - anything south of 14th street. Went for my preferred Saturday luncheon, more similar to continental European lunch - dinner, drinks, more drinks and talk(est. 2-4 hours). Went to what's becoming one of my regular places, Spotted Pig in the West Village; hope some day to be invited to the 3rd floor. It's got a great spicy Bloody Mary, rather good bitter(properly served with a hand pump), and great pomme frites.
After several hours there, we headed off to a new speakeasy which I had learned about '124 Old Rabbit Club,' which is in rather dank part of NYC; but the place was exactly what I wanted - mellow, good beer, and quiet enough that conversations could intermix with the eclectic background music. There's an old root or coal cellar next door, which should be opened up if possible for storage or some such. Be sure to bring cash, as they've not yet gotten a card machine.
Then after 2+ hours there, we were off uptown again(where most people I know seem to live); dinner at B Belgian Cafe on 75th between 2nd & 3rd. Had some moules another beer, light one hoeegarden, and was ready for bed - mind you it was only midnight; but we had been drinking heavily since 15.30.
124 Old Rabbit Club,
b cafe,
new york,
spotted pig
Friday, December 14, 2007
Rumor Has It & Materialism
So I watched a few movies tonight, Rumor Has It... & Keeping up with the Steins. What can I say I like romantic comedy's; I watched 'The Holiday' last night with Kate Winslet & Cameron Diaz.
So romantic comedy's; humor and love(but usually at the end); add Four weddings & a funeral, about a boy, wimbledon, notting hill, & love actually all fit into that category. So there were a few phrases which caught my attention whilst[I'm on and olde english theme that the moment] watching:
Life should be a little nuts. Otherwise it's just a bunch of Thursdays strung together. - Rumor Has It... [something I agree too, but maybe Tuesdays would be a better choice, as my Thursday are great]
I only drive so slow sweetheart because you're in the car with me. - Rumor Has It... [Though oddly my father/mother never slowed down, at least not that I know of. My father was a test pilot & fighter pilot, slow was not an option; I was taught to go fast the day I could drive]
I'm not going to tell you I can't live without you, I can live without you, I just don't want to. - Rumor Has It... A truly romantic section, would I break down so quick...I just don't know. Nonetheless; fits into when her father was talking of love versus lust.
Then onto Materialism, I love the movie "Keeping Up With The Steins." I'm not Jewish, but having been to many bat/bar-mitzvahs I understand it. They were all about the money; isn't this passage of time a passage from child to adult in the Judaism faith? Similar to 'going walkabout?' It's interesting to me that in the recent productions, Jeremy Piven a man who is very spiritual goes and portrays in realistic depth the mental being of men who are materialistic whores; maybe he grew up in that life??
So romantic comedy's; humor and love(but usually at the end); add Four weddings & a funeral, about a boy, wimbledon, notting hill, & love actually all fit into that category. So there were a few phrases which caught my attention whilst[I'm on and olde english theme that the moment] watching:
Life should be a little nuts. Otherwise it's just a bunch of Thursdays strung together. - Rumor Has It... [something I agree too, but maybe Tuesdays would be a better choice, as my Thursday are great]
I only drive so slow sweetheart because you're in the car with me. - Rumor Has It... [Though oddly my father/mother never slowed down, at least not that I know of. My father was a test pilot & fighter pilot, slow was not an option; I was taught to go fast the day I could drive]
I'm not going to tell you I can't live without you, I can live without you, I just don't want to. - Rumor Has It... A truly romantic section, would I break down so quick...I just don't know. Nonetheless; fits into when her father was talking of love versus lust.
Then onto Materialism, I love the movie "Keeping Up With The Steins." I'm not Jewish, but having been to many bat/bar-mitzvahs I understand it. They were all about the money; isn't this passage of time a passage from child to adult in the Judaism faith? Similar to 'going walkabout?' It's interesting to me that in the recent productions, Jeremy Piven a man who is very spiritual goes and portrays in realistic depth the mental being of men who are materialistic whores; maybe he grew up in that life??
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Hulu - Yay!!
I am loving Hulu, it's a media streaming site which is owned/operated by the networks. I've been watching some Family Guy's I missed. You can't get better content other then downloading illegally or watching whilst it's on TV. The benefit, especially over downloading, is that it's streamed. I don't have to download a full 300-700mb file to watch a show I missed. There are a 2 adverts per 30min show; but their short 30sec or so. In fact they were advertising a movie, I haven't seen anywhere else - a remake of Alvin & the Chipmunks.
Now the question is will I be able to use this while I'm in China?? I hope so, the bandwidth is fine, just need to hope the Chinese government hasn't filtered it.
Now the question is will I be able to use this while I'm in China?? I hope so, the bandwidth is fine, just need to hope the Chinese government hasn't filtered it.
internet filtering,
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Funny Farm and a Grand Wagoneer
so as tis the season, a lot of winter movies are on - or maybe better movies because of the WGA strike; there are older movies on.
anyhow, I was watching "Funny Farm" tonight, and last week; and so on so forth. (It's just one of those films you can watch in total; or just in sections). Just now the prospective buyers have come onto the scene - boy do they speak '80s yuppification. I'd expect to see Ushuaia (one of my favorite shows) on CNBC after the closing bell; or one of the other CNBC oldies; yuppie toy shows - I remember seeing 'roller blades' first on CNBC circa 1985 I think?
So in typical yuppie(preppie) world - the Jeep Grand Wagoneer. A car/truck before the term 'SUV' existed; with traditional fake wood sides and a definition for so many people. It was a true classic, great in it's presence; but also a mechanical nightmare. I remember(from friends who had them) the rear window never worked(don't think it ever worked in any Jeep[except at the dealership]); the parts were typical late 70's early 80's durable but not break resistant. Though it did have a big torque V8.
[damn it's hard to type...I spilled cider all over my keyboard; it's fall/autumn Cider is my norm around now]
anyhow, I was watching "Funny Farm" tonight, and last week; and so on so forth. (It's just one of those films you can watch in total; or just in sections). Just now the prospective buyers have come onto the scene - boy do they speak '80s yuppification. I'd expect to see Ushuaia (one of my favorite shows) on CNBC after the closing bell; or one of the other CNBC oldies; yuppie toy shows - I remember seeing 'roller blades' first on CNBC circa 1985 I think?
So in typical yuppie(preppie) world - the Jeep Grand Wagoneer. A car/truck before the term 'SUV' existed; with traditional fake wood sides and a definition for so many people. It was a true classic, great in it's presence; but also a mechanical nightmare. I remember(from friends who had them) the rear window never worked(don't think it ever worked in any Jeep[except at the dealership]); the parts were typical late 70's early 80's durable but not break resistant. Though it did have a big torque V8.
[damn it's hard to type...I spilled cider all over my keyboard; it's fall/autumn Cider is my norm around now]
funny farm,
jeep grand wagoneer,
Thursday, November 29, 2007
TV & DVRs (tivo etc)
two new quotes from "Dirty, Sexy, Money" - a wildly trashy TV show, but perfect for mindlessness. A mix of the Hiltons & Kennedys, with a little nouveau riche thrown in.
"I am an artist of life." - Jeremy darling
"Nobody says everything." - Tripp darling
Hmm, am I a Gen X or a Gen Y? I've taken to not watching live TV ever. I read the news on Google, BBC, or Stuff NZ. Even if a show I record is on, whilst I'm near the TV I still will watch something else for 20min or more so I FF forward through the commercials. I understand that the commercials pay for a lot, but for the amount of money that networks through at productions, you'd think we could get something for free? There are shows which are sponsered wholly by certain brands, and there are companies making money off placement of their products within shows....so why do I constantly feel like the US TV market is raking me over the coals?
I've been in europe recently on 2 occasions, and there commercial breaks don't last anywhere near as long the US shows. Instead of the 45 minutes which we're supposed to get, I feel we're only getting 30min or less now.
"I am an artist of life." - Jeremy darling
"Nobody says everything." - Tripp darling
Hmm, am I a Gen X or a Gen Y? I've taken to not watching live TV ever. I read the news on Google, BBC, or Stuff NZ. Even if a show I record is on, whilst I'm near the TV I still will watch something else for 20min or more so I FF forward through the commercials. I understand that the commercials pay for a lot, but for the amount of money that networks through at productions, you'd think we could get something for free? There are shows which are sponsered wholly by certain brands, and there are companies making money off placement of their products within shows....so why do I constantly feel like the US TV market is raking me over the coals?
I've been in europe recently on 2 occasions, and there commercial breaks don't last anywhere near as long the US shows. Instead of the 45 minutes which we're supposed to get, I feel we're only getting 30min or less now.
dirty sexy money,
gen x,
gen y,
generation x,
generation y,
live tv,
Sunday, November 11, 2007
International airports...
Major airports in all the western countries I've visted put all airports in the US to shame. The US one of the most air travel friendly countries has shit for any of their large international airports.
I've just spent the last few days in Hong Kong and Heathrow airport. HK airport has nicer stores then most malls in the US, very few junk/tourist stores, and is extremely clean and light(there are no flickering florescent bulbs anywhere).
How a country/city in the US, still the wealthiest country(I think) present themselves so badly in the travel market, airports are the gateway to the city - far more then any other edifice.
starbucks, yet again another stabucks comment. In China all the starbucks serve mostly standard US food/drink, there are a few odd fruit choices.
Here in Heathrow, none of the food is available in the US. They have mini mince pies, christmas cake, cranberry croissants, they alone present themselves better then most airports, they learn the culture and it's needs and change themselves to intermix them.
Ah, to see the looks I'm getting from other patrons at the restaurant in Heathrow, as I have a large glass of wine and steak @ 7am local time, yet for me it's 1pm. Only 45 minutes more and I get go on my last leg to JFK.
I was speaking with my neighbor on the plane on the way here from HK..she had a hell of transit already, she left Auckland on Friday, flew to Sydney(3.5hrs), then Sydney to HK on Saturday(9+ hours), the HK to London (13+ hours). Lots of travelling for only 3 weeks visit, but then again I'll be going back to China early December, for probably 1.5 weeks just prior to christmas - maybe I can do all my shopping there for the holidays. Well I think I'll take another few tours around Terminal 3 till I can go to the gate.
I've just spent the last few days in Hong Kong and Heathrow airport. HK airport has nicer stores then most malls in the US, very few junk/tourist stores, and is extremely clean and light(there are no flickering florescent bulbs anywhere).
How a country/city in the US, still the wealthiest country(I think) present themselves so badly in the travel market, airports are the gateway to the city - far more then any other edifice.
starbucks, yet again another stabucks comment. In China all the starbucks serve mostly standard US food/drink, there are a few odd fruit choices.
Here in Heathrow, none of the food is available in the US. They have mini mince pies, christmas cake, cranberry croissants, they alone present themselves better then most airports, they learn the culture and it's needs and change themselves to intermix them.
Ah, to see the looks I'm getting from other patrons at the restaurant in Heathrow, as I have a large glass of wine and steak @ 7am local time, yet for me it's 1pm. Only 45 minutes more and I get go on my last leg to JFK.
I was speaking with my neighbor on the plane on the way here from HK..she had a hell of transit already, she left Auckland on Friday, flew to Sydney(3.5hrs), then Sydney to HK on Saturday(9+ hours), the HK to London (13+ hours). Lots of travelling for only 3 weeks visit, but then again I'll be going back to China early December, for probably 1.5 weeks just prior to christmas - maybe I can do all my shopping there for the holidays. Well I think I'll take another few tours around Terminal 3 till I can go to the gate.
Friday, November 09, 2007
cultural differences @ meals and Batman
In china it's custom to over serve your guests...as an empty plate is sign of low respect. (In that you didn't feed your guest well).
In the usa, I was brainwashed to think about the starving people in the world. Thus clean the plate.
So what to do? I always find that I eat too much food whilst in China. Plus I drink too much beer, though as there aren't many beverage options you're stuck w/ beer. Thankfully the beer, is extremely light and low in flavor, you can drink cases of it and your get full up, long before you get a buzz, let alone drunk.
So Batman??
I was on the star line ferry this afternoon, going from Kowloon to Hong Kong Island, and noticed a helicopter constantly hovering around one of the large buildings in Central. Then it landed, probably to refuel, and came back.
Then I went to Aberdeen, with friends - to the Jumbo Restaurant, and noticed a few people hanging out at the Aberdeen Marina Club with cameras...ah the paparazzi, as I turned the corner, there about 30 or so.
So one of my friends, said they were filming the new Batman today in SoHo on the escalators, and so it all made sense.
So I wonder who was staying at the club? Christian
Bale or Morgan Freeman? Maybe Michael Caine or Liam Neeson. Aberdeen, is definitely more secluded, there would be less tourists and people snooping around.
In china it's custom to over serve your guests...as an empty plate is sign of low respect. (In that you didn't feed your guest well).
In the usa, I was brainwashed to think about the starving people in the world. Thus clean the plate.
So what to do? I always find that I eat too much food whilst in China. Plus I drink too much beer, though as there aren't many beverage options you're stuck w/ beer. Thankfully the beer, is extremely light and low in flavor, you can drink cases of it and your get full up, long before you get a buzz, let alone drunk.
So Batman??
I was on the star line ferry this afternoon, going from Kowloon to Hong Kong Island, and noticed a helicopter constantly hovering around one of the large buildings in Central. Then it landed, probably to refuel, and came back.
Then I went to Aberdeen, with friends - to the Jumbo Restaurant, and noticed a few people hanging out at the Aberdeen Marina Club with cameras...ah the paparazzi, as I turned the corner, there about 30 or so.
So one of my friends, said they were filming the new Batman today in SoHo on the escalators, and so it all made sense.
So I wonder who was staying at the club? Christian
Bale or Morgan Freeman? Maybe Michael Caine or Liam Neeson. Aberdeen, is definitely more secluded, there would be less tourists and people snooping around.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Chinese Construction Design, Good Looking - Very Impractical
Over the past few months, I've been explaining to coworkers how badly designed so much of the modern china is...
A good example I always find, is to explain the sidewalks. I'm currently spending most of my time in Shenzhen, which is a very modern city, about 20yrs old. Here most of the sidewalks on buildings built in the last 5 years are polished marble....which you looks very nice and fancy, but it rains here a lot - and you're basically ice skating when you walk; so most people walk in the street. And as the pedestrian is 2nd class here, you best watch yourself or you'll be run over.
My office is one of the first buildings built in Shenzhen, it was completed in 1989; it's 4 stories tall - and was the tallest building in the city when it was built. Now nearly 19 years later, it's one of the shortest. All the buildings around us are at least 30 stories, often 60 stories. Another scary fact...they can build a 60 floor apartment building in 12 days here....how come so fast? Primarily because they're badly built, they work 24x7, and as people are an excess commodity here, they're easily replaceable.
The biggest problem here is that nothing is maintained, when it breaks it stays broken, the building across the street with the marble sidewalk, well 1/3 of it is cracked - will it ever be fixed, doubtful, they're just tear it down in 3-5 years and restart with another monolith.
The genius idea here is to build the entire building out of cement, great idea it's very strong, but crap idea because if you need to install wiring or such, you now have to chisel out crevices, install tiny conduits and re-cement. Here I am trying to get a new network installed and every room has a hub as there is no central wiring area, they're all daisy-chained to each other.
There's a lot of money in this city, it's a lot wealthier then last I was here(just over a year ago); more cars(not all buicks); starbucks, mcdonalds, crowne plaza. They money is being made here, as are 90% of all cell phones and sneakers. There's hope(fear in my mind) that the border between Shenzhen and Hong Kong will open soon, rather then in 40 years as planned.
The mass transit is well designed here, but that's because the Germans did it. If memory serves me correctly, a lot of Germans left Germany after WWII; some went to Argentina, China, and so forth. So until last year, the worlds fastest maglev train was here (310 mph), the subways run like Disney world 1 every 10minutes or so.
So with all this new money, and good transit system, can they improve the people...I don't think so. There's still a strong communist mindset here. Imagine if people had to pay for their own apartments and food? How about the invention of middle management?
A good example I always find, is to explain the sidewalks. I'm currently spending most of my time in Shenzhen, which is a very modern city, about 20yrs old. Here most of the sidewalks on buildings built in the last 5 years are polished marble....which you looks very nice and fancy, but it rains here a lot - and you're basically ice skating when you walk; so most people walk in the street. And as the pedestrian is 2nd class here, you best watch yourself or you'll be run over.
My office is one of the first buildings built in Shenzhen, it was completed in 1989; it's 4 stories tall - and was the tallest building in the city when it was built. Now nearly 19 years later, it's one of the shortest. All the buildings around us are at least 30 stories, often 60 stories. Another scary fact...they can build a 60 floor apartment building in 12 days here....how come so fast? Primarily because they're badly built, they work 24x7, and as people are an excess commodity here, they're easily replaceable.
The biggest problem here is that nothing is maintained, when it breaks it stays broken, the building across the street with the marble sidewalk, well 1/3 of it is cracked - will it ever be fixed, doubtful, they're just tear it down in 3-5 years and restart with another monolith.
The genius idea here is to build the entire building out of cement, great idea it's very strong, but crap idea because if you need to install wiring or such, you now have to chisel out crevices, install tiny conduits and re-cement. Here I am trying to get a new network installed and every room has a hub as there is no central wiring area, they're all daisy-chained to each other.
There's a lot of money in this city, it's a lot wealthier then last I was here(just over a year ago); more cars(not all buicks); starbucks, mcdonalds, crowne plaza. They money is being made here, as are 90% of all cell phones and sneakers. There's hope(fear in my mind) that the border between Shenzhen and Hong Kong will open soon, rather then in 40 years as planned.
The mass transit is well designed here, but that's because the Germans did it. If memory serves me correctly, a lot of Germans left Germany after WWII; some went to Argentina, China, and so forth. So until last year, the worlds fastest maglev train was here (310 mph), the subways run like Disney world 1 every 10minutes or so.
So with all this new money, and good transit system, can they improve the people...I don't think so. There's still a strong communist mindset here. Imagine if people had to pay for their own apartments and food? How about the invention of middle management?
Sunday, November 04, 2007
starbucks in china, the caucasian hangout
As today is Sunday, and the group I'm with has split into subgroups to rest or tour. As I'll be back in 2 weeks or so, I opted to rest. I'll have plenty of time to tour about over the next 6 months.
Well even if you have the 'do not disturb' sign on the door, that's not what it means. I was called twice by the front desk, that I needed to leave so they could clean. So on the second time, I opted to go for a walkabout.
Took a short walk around town, just kept the monorail in sight as it was my landmark.It's also the 'rest day' for the locals, so there were plenty of people out for a stroll or laying in the park. There's a octoberfest(in november) at the crowne plaza, so maybe I'll get some better beer?
On my return to the hotel, my will broke down, and as I write this now, I'm sitting in a starbucks. I tried to survive purely on chinese food for 2 weeks, but I really just wanted a small meal - oh and a large latte(I refuse to use starbucks language).
While sitting here, I've seen more caucasians, and caucasian women since I was in HK. It's a welcome sight. This is the caucasian hangout, I think I may come here tomorrow morning and get a normal size breakfast.
It's also the hangout for the wealthier locals, I can see. A single large latte and turnover, probably cost more then one weeks meal for most of the workers here.
Another nicety, never seen this in any other starbucks, endless supply of trials. I've has a vanilla latte, ham/cheese croissant, and now some frappucino in the few minutes of writing this blog. I think this will be my safety haven when I'm stuck here for weeks on my own.
Well even if you have the 'do not disturb' sign on the door, that's not what it means. I was called twice by the front desk, that I needed to leave so they could clean. So on the second time, I opted to go for a walkabout.
Took a short walk around town, just kept the monorail in sight as it was my landmark.It's also the 'rest day' for the locals, so there were plenty of people out for a stroll or laying in the park. There's a octoberfest(in november) at the crowne plaza, so maybe I'll get some better beer?
On my return to the hotel, my will broke down, and as I write this now, I'm sitting in a starbucks. I tried to survive purely on chinese food for 2 weeks, but I really just wanted a small meal - oh and a large latte(I refuse to use starbucks language).
While sitting here, I've seen more caucasians, and caucasian women since I was in HK. It's a welcome sight. This is the caucasian hangout, I think I may come here tomorrow morning and get a normal size breakfast.
It's also the hangout for the wealthier locals, I can see. A single large latte and turnover, probably cost more then one weeks meal for most of the workers here.
Another nicety, never seen this in any other starbucks, endless supply of trials. I've has a vanilla latte, ham/cheese croissant, and now some frappucino in the few minutes of writing this blog. I think this will be my safety haven when I'm stuck here for weeks on my own.
beer, cohiba, foot massage
well what to say of a drunken night....
20 people, 15drinkers, 32 liters of beer, 20 foot massages, and 5 cohiba siglo II cigars. 4 bottles for chinese water(moonshine, 120proof)
heaven maybe?
u can drink like a fish here, as the beer is extremely light, no matter how much you drink you never get beyond a buzz; drank a restaurant out of tsingtao, pearl river, and some other local beer.
One table drank 3 bottle of chinese water, mine only 1; and I stayed away from the stuff...too many bad experiences from it.
then retire to foot massage, for relaxing 1 hour treatment. feet feel great, calves do not.
then a few blocks back to hotel for some cohibas and more beer.
I haven't smoked this many cigars since college, just about 1/night.
Dinner: $150 for 20
Foot Massage: $140 for 20
Cigars: $20 for 5
More Beer: $10 for 10 beer
Cost: Priceless
20 people, 15drinkers, 32 liters of beer, 20 foot massages, and 5 cohiba siglo II cigars. 4 bottles for chinese water(moonshine, 120proof)
heaven maybe?
u can drink like a fish here, as the beer is extremely light, no matter how much you drink you never get beyond a buzz; drank a restaurant out of tsingtao, pearl river, and some other local beer.
One table drank 3 bottle of chinese water, mine only 1; and I stayed away from the stuff...too many bad experiences from it.
then retire to foot massage, for relaxing 1 hour treatment. feet feel great, calves do not.
then a few blocks back to hotel for some cohibas and more beer.
I haven't smoked this many cigars since college, just about 1/night.
Dinner: $150 for 20
Foot Massage: $140 for 20
Cigars: $20 for 5
More Beer: $10 for 10 beer
Cost: Priceless
Thursday, November 01, 2007
shenzhen - nov2007
seems like the only time I have to blog is when I'm traveling. There's a lot of wasted time, waiting for things to be translated/happen.
So here I am again here in Shenzhen, China. Though this time we've brought an army of consultants along to try to incorporate my local business here into our ERP solution.
Did the best thing so far, whilst coming over here, went to Hong Kong for 2+ days prior, to both get used to the time difference, but also used to the cultural changes. Entered China on Monday afternoon, I'm more relaxed then I per last visit, better not to enter during the night, also I now know what to expect. Felt like a eons ago that I was there(3+ days)
The city has changed so much in the past 1+ year, it's more prosperous here; also seem like less people walking about the hotel/office area then prior. Which may be the difference b/t winter and summer. It's winter here, the locals are wearing jackets as it's 78F/70H and very cold to them...crazy.
Still feel like I'm living in a vacuum though, hotel to office and such. The area I'm staying the OCT(overseas chinese town); which probably was more of an expat area, isn't soo much anymore. Seems like Shekou or Luohu are now, just based on the amount of expat bars/clubs around those areas.
So here I am again here in Shenzhen, China. Though this time we've brought an army of consultants along to try to incorporate my local business here into our ERP solution.
Did the best thing so far, whilst coming over here, went to Hong Kong for 2+ days prior, to both get used to the time difference, but also used to the cultural changes. Entered China on Monday afternoon, I'm more relaxed then I per last visit, better not to enter during the night, also I now know what to expect. Felt like a eons ago that I was there(3+ days)
The city has changed so much in the past 1+ year, it's more prosperous here; also seem like less people walking about the hotel/office area then prior. Which may be the difference b/t winter and summer. It's winter here, the locals are wearing jackets as it's 78F/70H and very cold to them...crazy.
Still feel like I'm living in a vacuum though, hotel to office and such. The area I'm staying the OCT(overseas chinese town); which probably was more of an expat area, isn't soo much anymore. Seems like Shekou or Luohu are now, just based on the amount of expat bars/clubs around those areas.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
weekday tv....
it's one of those odd things you don't think about much when you're working, what's on TV during the day?
well I got my fill for two days of 80s & early 90's bad movies....House Party 2(w/ Kid N' Play), Rude Awakenings(one of the worst flicks, yet I was somewhat attracted to it), tremors & Highlander just to name a few.
You know with all the greatest films available, why would they just have the shit movies available?
well fever finally broke last night, now I just feel like shit. luckily all I've had is meetings today, so I'll be going home soon, and hoping tomorrow goes as quick, so I can go to the beach/shore.
well I got my fill for two days of 80s & early 90's bad movies....House Party 2(w/ Kid N' Play), Rude Awakenings(one of the worst flicks, yet I was somewhat attracted to it), tremors & Highlander just to name a few.
You know with all the greatest films available, why would they just have the shit movies available?
well fever finally broke last night, now I just feel like shit. luckily all I've had is meetings today, so I'll be going home soon, and hoping tomorrow goes as quick, so I can go to the beach/shore.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Well just got back from a great wedding, yet someone there gave me a cold.
been going through hot/cold spells since then. I've been moving between rooms w/ and w/o A/C the past 2 days.
Probably wasn't my best plan to move from one room with a snoring person, to a room w/ a sick person.
tried my first remedy....

well that just made me tired, so I tried my next solution...


feels like I'll be able to get to work tomorrow, may go play cricket this afternoon, depends how I am in a few hours.
been going through hot/cold spells since then. I've been moving between rooms w/ and w/o A/C the past 2 days.
Probably wasn't my best plan to move from one room with a snoring person, to a room w/ a sick person.
tried my first remedy....

well that just made me tired, so I tried my next solution...


feels like I'll be able to get to work tomorrow, may go play cricket this afternoon, depends how I am in a few hours.
Friday, May 18, 2007

Just got back from 3/4 of week in Florida for a corporate sales meeting (e.g., golfing/fishing trip/networking) trip. Went fishing for 1 day, caught 6 Key West Grunts(gray snappers). It was nice to get some sun, good thing I increased my alcohol consumption the week before w/ a cricket festival, sales guys can party well into the night.
Next I'm off to the UK & France next friday for 1 week, then I think I may go to Montreal on the 9th for the Gran Prix.
Anything is better then coming back home where it's 20+
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
audi avant haven
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Finally taking some vacation, after 2yrs without any. I'm off this thursday night to London, then driving up to the Cotswalds and Wales for some touring. I'm off to visit some friends, for 11days. Then...back home and maybe another short trip to Cali or back to the UK?
My only current debacle is finding an automatic diesel rental. Driving manual is no problem, when I'm driving LHD, but RHD makes things all too more complicated for me to deal with.
My only current debacle is finding an automatic diesel rental. Driving manual is no problem, when I'm driving LHD, but RHD makes things all too more complicated for me to deal with.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Whoot Woot!!
Well I've been a bit out the total .com business for awhile...but heard of a great new viral marketing scheme/system today, called Woot. It's a website, http://www.woot.com/ which is a lot like overstock.com or america101.com[think that's what it was called]. Which sold bulk items really cheap. So basically Woot offers 1 primary item per day, initially offered at 12am and then till it's sold out. There is 1 side item sold as well, that's it. 1.1 per day. Great way to make a killing buying in bulk and selling at retail.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
saw some great new movies recently...
History Boys -- great movie, u know I'm watching more foreign films recently, not sure what it about them....I just think they're better. [though low cost production films are also in that league, it's not so much about the glitz and the glamour, as it is about the artistry]
Borat -- great movie, maybe a little raw for your grandmother, but great nonetheless.
Good Shephard -- I was surprised Matt Damon can act, he's not just a character actor w/ a boston accent. I was quite pissed off that they kept talking about as the CIA movie. Well yes the CIA was formed out the OSS, but this movie was about the OSS. And yes, just about everything in the movie was true, or very near the truth as far as what Allen Dulles did. Why did they not use the Allen Dulles as the name of the main character? Speaking of that the unknowingness(new word, should I just say stupidity) of the people in the theatre to speak of Matt Damon's character or Alec Baldwin's character as J. Edgar Hoover. [HEY did any of you buffoons, see them cross dressing?]
History Boys -- great movie, u know I'm watching more foreign films recently, not sure what it about them....I just think they're better. [though low cost production films are also in that league, it's not so much about the glitz and the glamour, as it is about the artistry]
Borat -- great movie, maybe a little raw for your grandmother, but great nonetheless.
Good Shephard -- I was surprised Matt Damon can act, he's not just a character actor w/ a boston accent. I was quite pissed off that they kept talking about as the CIA movie. Well yes the CIA was formed out the OSS, but this movie was about the OSS. And yes, just about everything in the movie was true, or very near the truth as far as what Allen Dulles did. Why did they not use the Allen Dulles as the name of the main character? Speaking of that the unknowingness(new word, should I just say stupidity) of the people in the theatre to speak of Matt Damon's character or Alec Baldwin's character as J. Edgar Hoover. [HEY did any of you buffoons, see them cross dressing?]
Gyms and working out...
Well I've been putting of the gym for the past several years. And with all the added weight from the freshman 40 from X years ago, plus beer and food from travels and sport. Well gyms have changed, at least the way I'm going to them has....
In the past, 7+ years ago, I'd go to the gym at 4.30am, get on select machines for an hour; and yet I saw little change in my physique. Whereas now I can go to a gym, with a trainer by my side at all times(without the added cost of personal trainer) go through a circuit of 12 machines with only 20 reps per machine, and be out the door in 25 - 30 minutes. Oooh if I'd only known this was how easy was before.....
In the past, 7+ years ago, I'd go to the gym at 4.30am, get on select machines for an hour; and yet I saw little change in my physique. Whereas now I can go to a gym, with a trainer by my side at all times(without the added cost of personal trainer) go through a circuit of 12 machines with only 20 reps per machine, and be out the door in 25 - 30 minutes. Oooh if I'd only known this was how easy was before.....
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Free of extended costs...


I'm so happy...
I'm done w/ car payments, and I just got rid of my car, VW Touareg V10TDI & traded it in for a new car for my mother
So no longer do I have to search for a diesel station in the mid-atlantic area, or pay 40c more. Plus I'm now making money....at least not loosing $$$$/month.
Now just for me to determine....sports car/wagon or hybrid? Maybe both?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
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