Saturday, February 02, 2008

Walking...people move too slow!

Originally uploaded by Gone-Walkabout
Well I'm heading home to the US tomorrow night, only have 1 day left...flight leaves @ 11pm. I'm ready to have a rest; if only for 10days. I've had very little time to myself; even my weekends...either I'm being bothered with issues in the US or I'm being taken someplace. Days start at 9am and finish at 10pm...It's jut been tiring...

These past few days in Kowloon/HK Island have also been tiring, more people then I'm used compared with Shatin/Sheung Shui. During the work week everyone is moving swiftly, come the weekend and people move a leisurely the point I'm ready to run them over or strangle them. I'm 6'4" so I do have a longer gait, but can't people just walk a little quicker. Plus when it's raining, no one pays attention to their umbrella, so I'm having to keep my head ducked to prevent having my eyes poked out.

A few days ago in Shenzhen, I did have a happy moment. The people in mainland, more so then in HK, bump into everyone whilst walking. So I chose to hold my ground on one such A$$ and well he nearly fell down. I know what I did was rude, but he was bumping into elderly people and making them quite I did take some joy out of making him wake up.

The picture to the right is the soles of my shoes, in 5 weeks walking I've killed these shoes. . you can see in the middle what the sole used to be like, now the front/rear are smooth and useless for walking on wet granite sidewalks. So they've been trashed; need to get some new Merrells before I head back; great walking shoes, waterproof, and very comfortable.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

IUG Kiln Chicken

Open Kiln
Originally uploaded by Gone-Walkabout
Sunday, took a tour from Taipei to Keelung via two different dramatic routes. First went east, through the mountains, stopped to see some Tea farms and had some tea, w/ tea ceremony and all. Continued through the mountains, with a 12km tunnel. Disturbing that even in the tunnel my blackberry worked. (why can't the US figure any of this out??) [from what I was told the tunnel took 8 years to dig by hand, because when they used an auger, they lost their way)

After coming through the tunnel, it opened out a plain and the pacific ocean. We stopped in the first town Jiosi, for some excellent beggars chicken. This was cooked in a clay oven, not sure why it's that different, then normal baking...must be the chicken itself. Normal beggars chicken in China is coated in mud, and then baked so that the mud becomes it's own personal oven, and the chicken cooks in it's own juices. Which I consider the best chicken I ever ate...which says a lot because chicken is one my least desired foods.