Saturday, January 12, 2008

Shek O

Shek O from top of hill
Originally uploaded by Gone-Walkabout
I think I'm going to move to Shek O, only issue is - I'd need a car in HK. Perfect location. If you choose the correct location, you can't see any highrises, the're plenty of fishing, hiking, golfing, sailing, & surfing; plus it's only a 30minute bus ride to the city. This day it was 78F and 90% humidity, so that may have swayed me. Seems like more then 1/2 of the homes were Caucasians(which in HK defines anyone who's NOT asian) .

It seemed very similar to spain and australia mixed together, and is hard to imagine that Hong Kong is just on the other side the mountain.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Shenzhen for the night

Originally uploaded by Gone-Walkabout
Went to Shenzhen for the night, was planning on bringing up my Shenzhen network today, but do to mis planning that was canceled. I'll be back in week for that. When going from my office to the hotel, oddly ended up on road with no cars, and a Ferrari of all things? Who in their right mind would drive a Ferrari in China - unless on a track. BTW also saw a Bentley the other day as well.

It's interesting how different China, the little things you notice between Hong Kong & China. Everything is lower to the ground, everything just seems dirtier. A major difference...their teeth, in Hong Kong most people have near perfect teeth - China, they can be all over the place, more like a warthog, and soo dirty.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Malls, Malls, Malls

IFC Christmas Tree
Originally uploaded by Gone-Walkabout
The picture to the right is a christmas tree, made up of balls on string and hung, there was no base to this giant ornament.

I feel like I'm living in my own personal hell to a certain degree. I've been into 10 malls, as they're part of the train station(excellent city planning, btw). They're all about 7 floors or more, and take up 3-5 city blocks. Every name brand company has a store here, I never knew there was a 'North Face' store. (makes sense since it's no longer a outdoor equipment company, and now just a fashion statement - yes conde nast bought them, went chapter 11 with them, and what was once similar to marmot or columbia is no longer).

Today was my first day bouncing around on my own, I would've wished to have been able to go downtown, but do to business constraints I can't tonight - have a midnight conference call, what a PIA.

So have just gotten back from Starbucks, probably should've gone to Pacific Coffee. I don't think I'll ever get tired of the people giggling at my height, as I am about 2X the size of everyone here. Interestingly at Starbucks, their position behind the counter is lifted about 1 foot..

So I guess I'll just surf the 'net till about 10pm, then go for some more food, and wait for my conference call.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Another day in HK

Mon Mo Temple - Incense
Originally uploaded by Gone-Walkabout
The photo to the right, is the inside of Mon Mo temple in old Central on Hong Kong Island, all those cones are incense cones. It was very smoky in there, but pleasant nonetheless...normally incense makes me sneeze.

Went for another nice lunch today, of rice noodles, roast duck & duckling, an omelette with mini white fish, and some greens.

Not much accomplished at the office today, still waiting for some info from the US before I can continue. This 13 hour delay is quite a killer, when you have to wait for the other side of the world to wake up and reply. To some degree, I wish I were in the financial market sector, they don't slow down for such trivial things as vacations and time differences...just kidding.

Well I think the day is kaput, 17.38 here, going to go back to the hotel and meet up with some colleagues who are coming in for 1 week; rather dumb IMO. It's too far to fly for less then 10days, and if you do come for 2 days max, so you don't become used to the time difference.


Sunday, January 06, 2008

squid, fish balls, pig skin

Went for a long hike today, went to Lamma Island in the morning and walked the path from one end to the other. Stopped about 1/4 of the way in to a local restaurant, where I had warm tofu and syrup, squid, fish balls, and pig skin. The squid and tofu were excellent, and as it's a locals place the prices are right, and there a no Caucasians...usually a very good sign.

Then after finishing and Lamma, went for a tour around Central and old Central. I do know, or least my feet know, I walked quite a lot today. I figure probably about 15 miles, which is good days walk, any more and I don't think my feet would be too happy tomorrow morning.