Saturday, February 16, 2008

Emergency Flight to China

Well to satisfy some requests, I took an earlier then scheduled flight to China. Because I couldn't get a flight on beloved Virgin-Atlantic, I took the unforgiving straight through 15 hour 55 minute flight from Newark to Hong Kong. Needless to say I lucked out and checked in early enough to get a bulkhead, but the last 5 hours were tough.

As far as convenience , it beats any other option. But for sake of comfort and sanity, it's not a wise choice. When I couldn't get Virgin, I was looking at flying to Vancouver, BC and taking Oasis to Hong Kong. Yes it adds several hours, but I'd be more comfortable, have a break in the middle(lay over) and be able to move around more.

Plus I think someone got ill or died on my flight, so less then half way through the seatbelt sign went permanently on. We were over Siberia when they called for doctor, for over an hour someone was laying on the floor, and when the pathway opened up a lavatory was permanently closed.

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