Friday, January 25, 2008


Pet me
Originally uploaded by Gone-Walkabout
I'm loving Taipei. This place has an eastern european feel...hmm, how to explain? It's got old buildings, and respects it's history; but has kept up to date with technology and modern society. It's also quite interesting how this city is spread out, due to it being built in a flood plain, most of the buildings aren't over 10 stories, due to them sinking, and the multitude of earthquakes(I know run-on sentence). Due to it being more spread out, there's none of the congested feeling you have in Hong Kong or cities in China.

Well I'm off to some tea plantations and ceramic artist communities this weekend.

I saw this dog on scooter, and was amazed to see how big a dog it was. There are plenty of dogs on scooters, you don't usually see a 'golden retriever' on one though.

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