Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Taipei Tourist Markets
Originally uploaded by Gone-Walkabout
Loving Taiwan. Taiwan is soo different then Hong Kong and China. It's relaxing and very much like Europe. They preserve their history, and yet stay well ahead of everyone as well.

The only think I saw which was quite barbaric, was the treatment of some animals/food. I saw alligators in small cages, snakes everyone(dinner), and snapping turtles being scared with fire to make them move. One restraurant had snapping turtles in a container, a women was cutting their heads off and putting it on a tray, where the head was still moving, carving out the rest of the meat, and then washing the shell with alcohol.

[As you may not know a snapping turtle will keep ahold of it's prey, even if it's head is cut off. So if it were to bite your finger, you could cut the head off, but it won't release it's grip. ]

Well whilst I'm here, I do think I may try snake, and stinky tofu. More updates later

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