Monday, January 07, 2008

Another day in HK

Mon Mo Temple - Incense
Originally uploaded by Gone-Walkabout
The photo to the right, is the inside of Mon Mo temple in old Central on Hong Kong Island, all those cones are incense cones. It was very smoky in there, but pleasant nonetheless...normally incense makes me sneeze.

Went for another nice lunch today, of rice noodles, roast duck & duckling, an omelette with mini white fish, and some greens.

Not much accomplished at the office today, still waiting for some info from the US before I can continue. This 13 hour delay is quite a killer, when you have to wait for the other side of the world to wake up and reply. To some degree, I wish I were in the financial market sector, they don't slow down for such trivial things as vacations and time differences...just kidding.

Well I think the day is kaput, 17.38 here, going to go back to the hotel and meet up with some colleagues who are coming in for 1 week; rather dumb IMO. It's too far to fly for less then 10days, and if you do come for 2 days max, so you don't become used to the time difference.


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