Thursday, December 20, 2007

Emotional Movie...

I know I'm late to watching it, but 'Flags of our Fathers' is the most emotional film I've seen in a long while. I teared up at the end. Not so much on the story line, but on the emotions of the characters/veterans.

I think this film, helped me to understand my father. He spoke little of his time in Vietnam, but when he did it was disturbing. I can understand why veterans don't speak of their past, and why they do not organize reunions - as no one who's been in wartime environment wants to remember their past. Oddly my father did start to talk with other veterans later in life, not so much on the deeds, but on the bureaucracy and culture they were forced to live in. As well as B.S. about how pilots(him) were a tougher job then helicopter pilots, more a banter then anything.

One of the great references at the end, was to what they were/are fighting for. Not for the the USA, anti-communism, or what not; they were/are fighting for the person to their left/right. Which is a fact, that I don't think the mindset in Washington get understand - at least none of the current leadership.

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