Thursday, November 29, 2007

TV & DVRs (tivo etc)

two new quotes from "Dirty, Sexy, Money" - a wildly trashy TV show, but perfect for mindlessness. A mix of the Hiltons & Kennedys, with a little nouveau riche thrown in.

"I am an artist of life." - Jeremy darling
"Nobody says everything." - Tripp darling

Hmm, am I a Gen X or a Gen Y? I've taken to not watching live TV ever. I read the news on Google, BBC, or Stuff NZ. Even if a show I record is on, whilst I'm near the TV I still will watch something else for 20min or more so I FF forward through the commercials. I understand that the commercials pay for a lot, but for the amount of money that networks through at productions, you'd think we could get something for free? There are shows which are sponsered wholly by certain brands, and there are companies making money off placement of their products within why do I constantly feel like the US TV market is raking me over the coals?

I've been in europe recently on 2 occasions, and there commercial breaks don't last anywhere near as long the US shows. Instead of the 45 minutes which we're supposed to get, I feel we're only getting 30min or less now.

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