Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Another day...

Another in Shenzhen...

an influx of expats over the night, another 10+ at breakfast. Also a few suits...can't understand wearing a suit hot/humid. today it's quite cool @ 90°F and 62% humidity [heat index=100°F]...2 weeks ago it was 93°F with 89% humidty [heat index=135°F]....

also there's a difference here w/ the set A/C temperatures...most of the westerners keep the temperature @ normal temps for us...68-72°F..whereas the locals keep the temp @ 75-80°F and as I'm w/ the took awhile to get used to working in a damp environment.

so yet again, I retired early...keep hearing noises in the hall, couldn't tell if it was the whores or guests...didn't want to get caught by them. As is understandable...most locals see westerners as people w/ lots of money....which if you convert everything to USD, you can live very well here...but if you do the conversion, you increase the inflation issues here for the locals.

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